Thursday, 26 May 2011

The Royal One And The Adventure Of Linen

He has a pretty crown,
it only adds to his regal bearing.
In my household Sebastian is the one true king. He rules with a firm and clawed paw. He has gentleness which lulls his subjects and they suspect nothing. Suspect nothing of his evil plans. 

He has evil plans involving everything that concern his domain.
He likes to sleep on anything resembling clothes, towels or even pillows. 
He stares at any and all that encroach upon his domain be they human mouse or bird.

His favourite pastime, however, is when it is bed-making time.
Stripping the bed is an easy task and is accomplished when he is distracted with his other subjects or even sleeping on other things.

When one of his subjects is trying to re-sheet the bed is when the shenanigans begin.
The fitted sheet goes on and then the king deigns to move among his subjects so they can see him in all his regal sassiness.

He resists all attempts to move his frame from the bed, even attacking those with the audacity to come close. Those that tried have ended up being swiped at or even scratched by the royal claw.

When his royal personage finally acquiesces to the indignity of having a sheet  placed on the bed right underneath him the task may continue. 

Then, when the top sheet is added, he further complicates things by being a sheet lump and once again attacking any and all who try to move him.
It is a painful and arduous task, but eventually his great regality allows this 
lowly subject to tuck in the edges.

But not before he has attacked and shredded all who try to continue making the bed's hand. And looked mischievous from under his sheet fort at his lucky subject. 

The regal one emerges from his fort.
He then supervises the placement of the doona.
The doona is found to be impertinent and also in need of reminding of who is really in charge of the household.



The bed is finally beaten into submission and is then found to be comfortable on the royal kitty and is then slept and snuggled upon with great abandon. And all is right with the world once more.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Tiny Bites of Chocolate Sugar Dough

I made cupcakes.
They were tiny and chocolate.

And then they were eaten.

Saturday, 21 May 2011


You know, you'd think I'd learn.
Yeah, right!

I stop taking my medication and BAM!! withdrawals.
Manic episodes!
Mild obsessions with minutia!
Hey, look! A Kitty!!

Social avoidance!
Outside is bad!!

One of the last times i stopped taking my medication for more than a few days I shaved my head!!
You could count the scars on my head!

I probably should go to sleep...

Thursday, 19 May 2011

I've got me a bouncy feeling

It is a heart warming tale of an egg and his happy , bouncing feeling and his quest to share it with the world.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011