Friday 8 July 2011

The beginnings of a cowboy story...

He is silent as he looks down the hill at the small, ramshackle town in the distance. He is loathe to enter any town as it may lead to his capture and imprisonment, perhaps, even his death, but he is running out of food and he hasn't seen any source of water in days. Supplies are getting low.
He sighs. He will have to risk it. His horse needs a rest and he needs to regroup and try to figure out how he was going to survive the next few days.
With another sigh he nudges his horse's flanks and they slowly set off into the dust covered town of Margret's Fall.

The two men watch as the lone rider approaches the town.
"See? I told you he would need to get supplies here. This is the only town within a hundred miles. My family has no overt ties to the land and people here. He thinks he’s safe.” His horse restlessly shifts as his rider tenses with anger. “I’ll avenge my sister’s honour. He’ll pay for the trouble he has caused my family.”
The older of the men looks on passively as his younger companion grimaces. The lone rider was going to be strung up as soon as he set foot in town.  Without a by-your-leave he was going to be dancing on air just so this young pup could go home to daddy and get a pat on the head.
He shook his head as they set off towards the small dust cloud of the rider who had wronged such a powerful family.

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