Thursday, 31 March 2011

A day in the life of a fictional character

The day started like any other day. The sun rose. Well, the planet rotated and made the sun seem like like it was rising over the horizon. I had reached the inn the previous evening rather late and I hoped I hadn't slept through breakfast. Downstairs, I was met by my pet, Peanut. I sat down to eat, but the innkeeper seemed reluctant to serve me.
I got fed up and got my food myself. The day was getting on and I wanted my coffee.
After this somewhat dilatory start to the day, we set off to the park.
The other citizens ran and hid so we had the grounds to ourselves. Peanut amused himself my chasing the squirrels. And damaging public property. 

I wasn't expecting to hear from Boss Therazine at all,  but I was startled by a rather insistent call from her. I had to meet her immediately. There was an emergency.
Dammit, I wanted the day off and the Boss gave me the creeps. She just floats there like a corpulent pustule of malevolence with her hulking minions looming over everyone.
Boss Therazine was worried about one of her couriers. The wolf girl hadn't checked in in two days. Well, worried wasn't the right term. She was more furious that the girl hadn't finished her deliveries and gotten back.  

I checked with my usual contacts. 
Mednaga didn't know anything. I had to leave before I opened my eyes and looked at her.

DoomHilda tried to eat me. She also didn't know anything.

I figured it was time for some fun. So I went plane surfing.
Back to work...

I searched.
And searched.
 And searched some more.

Then I got bored and, as I was close to my Inn anyways, decided to have some coffee.

The Innkeeper came out of the accommodations, screaming about huge spiders. I was never going to be able to enjoy my coffee. So many interruptions.
To cut a long story, well long, I found her. She was asleep.
Lazy bugger.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Facts Of Love

If the woman that you're dating can light a candle with her nose
And she tries to drain your liquids from your head down to your toes
I hate to tell you, buddy. I hate to tell you, pal.
But the woman that your dating is a monster/lady/gal.

Love can make you blind and love cloud your head
But if you ever date a monster, love can make you dead 

Letter from a lovelorn swain

My dearest Marcy,
I miss you more and more with each passing day. I know your work is important to you and I would never ask you to stop, just know that you are always in my heart.
I remember the times we picnicked in the park. We would feed bread crumbs to the hobos there. I remember the looks on their desperately starved faces. How amusing it was. You looked so beautiful amid their squawking. The sun shone down on your hair, making it glow all the more.
Sitting here, at my desk, the lamp glowing dimly in the dark, all I can do is think of you and the time that you introduced me to your family. Your father threatened me with a knife. He made me promise never to hurt his favourite daughter. Of course I promised. How could I not? I would never do anything that would harm our love.
Our love is special. It burns like an incandescence in the dark. Never will it be lost. At times I feel like singing out to the world of our wonderful love. I want to tell them that they'll never have a love like ours. Their lives are all the poorer for not having found their soul mates.
I should leave you now, my love. I know you have many more children to vaccinate against Small Pox down there in North America.
I hope to hear from you soon. And I hope that my last twenty letters have reached you. I know the postal system can be a bit inefficient in those isolated countries.

Love Always,
Your Googly-Bear