Thursday 31 March 2011

A day in the life of a fictional character

The day started like any other day. The sun rose. Well, the planet rotated and made the sun seem like like it was rising over the horizon. I had reached the inn the previous evening rather late and I hoped I hadn't slept through breakfast. Downstairs, I was met by my pet, Peanut. I sat down to eat, but the innkeeper seemed reluctant to serve me.
I got fed up and got my food myself. The day was getting on and I wanted my coffee.
After this somewhat dilatory start to the day, we set off to the park.
The other citizens ran and hid so we had the grounds to ourselves. Peanut amused himself my chasing the squirrels. And damaging public property. 

I wasn't expecting to hear from Boss Therazine at all,  but I was startled by a rather insistent call from her. I had to meet her immediately. There was an emergency.
Dammit, I wanted the day off and the Boss gave me the creeps. She just floats there like a corpulent pustule of malevolence with her hulking minions looming over everyone.
Boss Therazine was worried about one of her couriers. The wolf girl hadn't checked in in two days. Well, worried wasn't the right term. She was more furious that the girl hadn't finished her deliveries and gotten back.  

I checked with my usual contacts. 
Mednaga didn't know anything. I had to leave before I opened my eyes and looked at her.

DoomHilda tried to eat me. She also didn't know anything.

I figured it was time for some fun. So I went plane surfing.
Back to work...

I searched.
And searched.
 And searched some more.

Then I got bored and, as I was close to my Inn anyways, decided to have some coffee.

The Innkeeper came out of the accommodations, screaming about huge spiders. I was never going to be able to enjoy my coffee. So many interruptions.
To cut a long story, well long, I found her. She was asleep.
Lazy bugger.

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