Sunday 3 April 2011

Book Review: Pregnant by the Millionaire. By Carole Mortimer

* Warning: This Review is only for those who enjoy taking the mickey out of everything *
Basic Plot:
Nick and Hebe.
He's a millionaire who owns art galleries in Paris, London and New York. 
Hebe works in his London gallery. Their relation ship starts as, well they sleep together. He has a past tragedy that has made him keep all relationships with the fairer sex casual. She gets the “I'll call you” line from him after they have some fun.
When they see each other again they find out she's pregnant and he goes caveman and declares that they will be married and then he spends the next one hundred and twenty five pages thinking the worst of her.
Then there is the big revelation, all is well, they love each other and they have beautiful babies. Yay.

Okay, so I thought this book was a little silly. And maybe I am being a little too harsh on the poor university graduate with a steady job that she also enjoyed who then suddenly seemed to just wilt under her man's stern gaze, like a dying flower in and Australian drought, but i just kept thinking all the way through this book "What the frak, woman? Show some spine! Argh!"

Hebe is a university educated young lady of twenty six living in London and working in one of Nick's numerous art galleries. She is beautiful. In fact, she is so beautiful that Nick makes a reference to her goddess-like beauty. On the first page. In the first few lines.
They've slept together even before the book begins. I'd say fast work on his behalf, but it also has the added bonus of throwing you right into the drama. Well, actually some afterglow, then some sex, then the drama.
The drama begins the following morning when she thinks it'll be all idyllic and expects them to have a nice leisurely breakfast and then maybe continue getting their giggedy on. She's taken aback by his suddenly cold demeanour when he tells her that he'll call her and wants her to leave asap.
Seriously, what did she expect? She'd just slept with her boss!

We get to see Hebe telling herself that she is a modern woman and that she knew he wasn't going to call her anyway. It was just a one night stand. She's not hurt at all *little tear*. She spends the next six weeks moping like a girl who was stood up for the school dance, standing on the front verandah, wearing a really ugly puce dress with lots of bows and bad 80's hair. She has also been feeling a little off the last few weeks too.
Oh noes! She's ill? It must be the plague!
Of course Nick comes back into town and he has spent the last six weeks not sleeping with other women and trying to not think about Hebe.
And, of course, while he was doing whatever it is that owners of art galleries do (forgive my ignorance) he makes a shocking discovery about Hebe. And then when he gets back and confronts her with his shocking discovery, they make another discovery about Hebe. She's pregnant.

Gasp! Worse than the plague!!
Seriously, SAFE SEX people!! Practice it!!

Also, to make matters even better, to the other women that Hebe work with Nick has been with half the population of London, Paris and New York! The animal! 
And of course, both of them blame the other for Hebe's pregnancy.

You're not on the Pill?”
I didn't expect to fall into bed with you! You weren't wearing a condom!”
I didn't think birth control was an issue!”

What are they? Sixteen? 

For an apparently such an independent and modern woman, Hebe seems to be lacking in the spine department. Nick then turns into a medieval lord and demands that she marry him, because to have a proper upbringing and be a real family it requires that the parents be married. 

Gasp Again! 
She cannot be thinking of having a child without a man to help her?? The shock!

I'm probably sounding a little sarcastic at this point about the whole family thing because this seems to be the quarter century or so of the broken home. Also, the fact that she was scared for her safety when she brought up abortion, he threatened to take the baby away from her if she didn't marry him and the fact that he kicks down her bathroom door just after she has taken the pregnancy test when she has said that she'd like to be alone, all lead me to believe he has some serious anger issues. I kept thinking “Quick! Get to the police!” but maybe I have it backwards. 
She did get the man that she had been secretly in love with the whole time he had been treating her like poisoned dirt beneath his feet, her pregnancy was fine, she had beautiful twins, and she was reunited with her long lost father and learned about the mother that she never knew.
D'Awwwww. It all worked out in the end.


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