Sunday 10 April 2011

Ode to early an morning

The sun slowly rises over the horizon, marking the beginning of a brand new day. Mist rises from a dew covered lawn as birds begin to sing and hunt for those grubs and bugs that are unlucky enough to out so early. The roads are silent but for the sounds joggers getting their exercise fix for the day.

I notice none of this as I blearily throw back the covers and disturb the cat from his slumber. Stumbling through the house, narrowly avoiding tripping over him and careening into various walls and pieces of furniture, I eventually make it to the kitchen and its beautiful repository of caffeinated nectar of the Gods who are cranky in the morning.

Before I can make it to my personal nirvana, I must attend to the furred beast that is Sebastian. His insistent demands that I am evil and starving him must be addressed or I will get no peace. The hairy menace does not make it easy as he yowls and winds his way between my legs and sits in front of my feet as I retrieve his food and spoon some into his bowl.

The small beast is appeased, but not the beast within my own mind. It calls for coffee.
I would say that I keep my delicious coffee in a repository worth of its deliciousness, but I keep it in a utilitarian jar to disguise it from any who think to sip from my my fountain of alertness.

I lay out the necessary items. Filter jug. Mug. Teaspoon and sugar. Coffee jar and spoon. And Kettle.
The kettle makes its pleasant bubbling noises as the water boils within.
The filter jug sit on the bench, like an Aztec sacrifice, waiting for the ceremoney to commence. The coffee grounds are poured into the filter jug to await their fate. A click signals the preparedness of the water in the kettle.
The waterfall of hot water sends up a cloud of beautifully scented coffee steam.
My starved senses inhale and bathe in the wafting scent.
As the coffee steeps into the hot water I watch. Pushing down the plunger the coffee grounds are separated out of the sweet caffeinated nectar.
Another waterfall falls, but this time it is infused with coffee. 
Sugar and milk are added, finishing off this wonderful concoction.

I take the first sip and my day begins in truth.

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